Friday 6 April 2012

Medical Negligence Claims for Cosmetic Neck Lifts

Necks lifts are a common form of cosmetic surgery, and more often than not are performed without any complications. But from time to time mistakes will be made, leading to additional physical and emotional pain. It is possible these mistakes amount to medical negligence, and if so you may be able to successfully claim compensation. This article explores what might go wrong during cosmetic neck lift surgery, and what you should or can do about it.

What Is A Neck Lift?

A neck lift is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure which removes excess fat and/or skin from the neck, often opted for by those who have surplus fat under the chin, known as 'jowls', or by people who have additional skin around the neck (caused by ageing or extreme weight loss). 

The operation will involve one of two procedures:

1. Platysmaplasty.

Platysmaplasty surgery corrects the neck muscles and involves the surgeon making small incisions under the chin or behind the ears to reach the neck muscles, which are then moved and tightened as needed.

2. Cervicoplasty.

Cervicoplasty surgery corrects loose and sagging skin, and involves the surgeon making small incisions under the chin or behind the ears, and then trimming the skin, moving it into place and securing it with stitches or tissue glue.
In both procedures, liposuction may be employed to remove any excess fat, while tubes may be inserted into the wound to help fluids drain away.

When Does Cosmetic Neck Lift Surgery Amount To Medical Negligence?

As with all surgery, a neck lift comes with potential risks and complications. Many of these adverse effects, such as bruising, swelling, and numbness, are common and are usually short-term. However, there are a number of more serious, long-term complications which may be the result of medical negligence, including:

Excessive bleeding (haematoma);
Blood clot;
Nerve damage, resulting in numbness, droopiness, and muscle weakness;
Excessive scarring.

These complications can lead to a significant amount of emotional and physical pain, and often result in a patient needing further corrective surgery. If this has happened to you, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering, as well as privately funded corrective surgery.

What Can You Do?

You should raise any concerns with your surgeon, but if he recommends further surgery to correct any errors you should seek legal advice before agreeing to this to ensure that it is in your best interests. Find a medical negligence surgeon with expertise in cosmetic surgery negligence cases and they will review the operation already carried out and advise you of your options.

1 comment:

  1. it is obvious that you can make a medical negligence claim from the injury sustained to compensate from the damages incurred
